Thursday, August 6, 2009

Different people define happiness in many different ways. Some might say that happiness is something that paints a smile on somebody's face. Or something material like money. Something immarterial like friendship. Although most people, like myself (status at the moment) would follow on other people's definition regarding happiness because they can't define it themselves.

Many theorists including the writer of this blog, had suggested that happiness is indeed, something immarterial and irreplaceable. It may be something you've read in a particular book that you reflected on. Something like, as aforementioned above, friendship and the fulfillment of an unbreakable relationship. Something like a grasshopper that hopped off a blade grass and landed on the surface of the water where it sank and drowned. It could be anything random, I guess.

Different people reflect on happiness on different ways.

But my happiness? Being me, having friends, having God, and having everything that I am possessing right now, be it immaterial or not. Because self-fulfillment must be the happiest gift anyone could have.

How about your happiness?

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